Sydney | 3 hours | Special Interest | Anyone | $150 | 1 Feb 2025 | 1 Feb 2025 | 1 Mar 2025
This Smartphone Photography course in Sydney teaches you to take much better photographs with your smartphone. This dynamic course encapsulates the motto ‘The best camera is the one you have with you’. Today’s Smartphones are powerful imaging tools. Rapid Innovations in lenses and sensors make smartphones the image creating device of choice. We cover the imaging features of your smartphone and how to use them, types of light, creative composition and practice imaging features such as slo-mo, panos, exposure control and pre-sets. We capture street scenes, portraits, products, action, architecture and nature around Sydney's Rocks district in a fun, dynamic three hours of shooting.
■ Learn to get the best out of your smartphone camera
■ What are the imaging features and how to use them
■ A strong focus on working the light & creative composition
■ How to upload to social media and share images
■ Exposure, focus, filters, HDR, Slo Mo, video & enhancement
■ Shooting street scenes, portraits, product, food, action, nature
■ Ideal training for individuals, groups and any organisation
■ All partners can come along at no charge as a special promotional offer
■ Gain skills in exposure, focus, filters, HDR, Slo Mo, enhancement
■ Accessories, gizmos, creative & practical Apps
■ Inspiring content shooting street scenes, portraits, architecture, product, food, action, nature
■ In-phone editing, filters, white balance, aspect ratios, HDR, panos, slo-mo, video
■ How to upload to social media & share your images via platforms like Facebook & Instagram
■ Catering for all Smartphones including iPhone & Samsung
■ COURSE STYLE - this is a perfect introduction to smartphone photography with a strong emphasis in the imaging capabilities of smartphones. Whilst we cover a lot over 3 hours, we have to gloss over certain topics due to time constraints. Additional information is accessible as course notes in a pdf file. This includes:
■ SMARTPHONES - a quick guide | lens systems on the smartphone | a few useful apps
■ HANDLING - shooting modes | slo-mo | aspect ratio | pano | video | focusing | HDR | ISO | picture style & enhancement
■ LIGHTING - types | natural light | artificial light | white balance | time the light | quality & direction of light
■ COMPOSITION - leading & converging lines | the rule of thirds | framing an image | reflections | look for unusual angles | colour | focusing on detail | showing motion | viewpoint | selective focus | vertical vs horizontal | aspect ratio | compositional aids
■ No prior photography knowledge is necessary
■ Any iOS device (iPhone, iPad) and Android Smartphones ( Samsung etc)
■ Fully charged smartphone
■ If you have an older smartphone with a short battery life - we recommend you bring an external powerpac charger
■ Whilst this is not a physically demanding course you should be able to walk 2-3km over the course of 3 hours
■ Inclusions - instruction from professional photographers. Pdf notes to support the practical course content
■ Exclusions - food and beverages
Thanks for the great job you did for our IBM Golf Day last week I would like to confirm that the price of $1390.00 you quoted is ex GST. Please send another invoice to me and I will get in our accounts
Thanks for the Watagan Park photo shoot of the 4 houses. – Brett was very happy with the outcome and he just wanted to be very clear with the location of the villages (for you to make sure your pricing was correct). He would like you to schedule in some time to go to Wongawilli . Thanks for the great deal on the drone shots as well as the Marsden Parks ones.
A great weekend and I learnt heaps - hope to do it again sometime.
Focus 10 recently ran a incentive, team building program for us called 'A day in the life at ING'. Their organisation and expertise was impeccable handling over 240 of our staff over 3 days. We think highly of Focus 10 and have a relationship spanning 15 years.
"I just wanted to say that I really loved this weekend course and learnt a great deal. I appreciate you both sharing your photography knowledge and patience with us. Serena and Andrew were great instructors and injected lots of fun but at the same time kept the course at a great pace and ensured we all got something valuable out of it. I am really looking forward to the Wildflowers and Wilderness weekend in September!"
Thanks for the feedback and I am loving your photos. We look forward to catching up again when you are next in Byron Bay
Great job shooting the Bronte Flight Centre! Looks like they our client is bailing out at the right time .. retail strips are not going to be hot sellers in the near future. Are you able to send me hi-res of just the external whole building shots please? Thanks
We use Focus 10 for all our corporate photography around Australia and SE Asia. Focus 10 always delivers under the pressure to photograph our clients in any setting. |
Smartphone Photography Course Gallery
Why choose Focus 10 Photography?
Our practical and interactive photography courses are designed to stimulate your passion in all things photography. Whether you want to develop your hobby or to become a professional photographer, we have a course suitable for you. 69 lifestyle and business courses across Australia.
We believe in perfectly sized groups , lots of individual attention from our professional tutors & enjoying the camaraderie of fellow photographers. Our business & lifestyle courses are all about improving your photography skills in a stimulating, dynamic and fun scenarios - not passively sitting in classrooms.
You're working with professional photographers who you can trust & whose status has been formally validated & recognised with wide-ranging photographic expertise. Your tutors have instructed 1,000's of people on Focus 10 courses over 29 years & authors of 15 Online Photography courses.
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